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Our Top LensCaption Picks 


Every Lens Cap you buy from LensCaptions comes with a Life Time guarantee so you know you trust the quality of these little gems! 

This includes the guarantee that if the design somehow wears off then you can have it replaced. 




Reviewed by Avant Guardian.

The simple elegance and genius of the concept as well as the stunning realisation of the design work is jaw droppingly perfect !  Yes, you guessed it !  We are fans of  LensCaptions and their harmonious bringing together of things we love, emojis, dog, cat and trees with our beloved cameras.  These 'Captions' bring a real sense of personalilty to your camera.


These delightful Lens Caps come in a multitude of designs, which can be viewed individually or in collections on their homepage.  The design work encompasses many of our tastes and there really is one to suit every palate. 


LensCaptions come in all the sizes for different camera types ,so be sure to check before you buy.  LensCaptions also have an excellent answer for those who want to buy one of these as gift, they will email the person you're buying the Lens Cap for and let them know you've bought them a give, and they will ask the recipient to let them know what size lens cap they need for their specific camera and then they deliver it.  


LensCaptions have this to say,  


You spend a lot of time with your DSLR. You make sure it’s comfortable in that camera bag you bought it that’s the perfect mix of style and function. And thanks to that new padded camera strap you just picked up, the comfort is mutual.

But still, something’s missing… Are your lens caps just billboards for their manufacturers? They don’t have to be. They can be canvases unto themselves. Help your camera express the creative personality you know it already has.


Adding new dimensions to our perceptions of our own camera equipment, LensCaptions is a unique company bringing smiles to faces of photographers everywhere. 


Our review is 5/5 Stars for this lovely offering to our lives. 



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